Important Dates

Statement of Conduct


SAGE and PAGE Homeschool Cooperative


We at SAGE and PAGE believe that we live in a fallen world and that we all sin from time to time.  However, as members of the SAGE and PAGE homeschool co-op, it is crucial that we not advocate or promote sinful behavior to our students.  Many families choose to homeschool their children because they wish to educate them in an environment in which sinful behavior is not accepted or encouraged.  It is a goal of the SAGE and PAGE board to create and maintain such an environment.


The prevailing culture of our country is at odds with Scripture and with the traditional Christian worldview of sinful behavior in a number of areas.  Specifically:


Life:  The traditional Christian worldview holds that life begins at conception, and that the intentional taking of the life of an unborn child is sin. Matt. 19:18, PS. 127:3-5,  PS. 139:13-14


Sexual Activity: The traditional Christian worldview holds that sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful.  Marriage is defined in the traditional Christian worldview as the union of one man and one woman. Men and women should appear distinctly different in appearance, and thus, any attempt to intentionally blur gender lines or transform one’s gender to the opposite sex is sin.  Mk. 10:6-9, 1Cor. 6:18, Lev. 18:22, Rom 1:26-27


Other examples can be found.


As teachers and volunteers at SAGE and PAGE, it is important to remember that our words can reach our students not just on the day the co-op meets, but also through various electronic media (email, blogs, social networks, etc).  When we send or post a comment, we often cannot predict in advance who will see it. In addition, tone and other nuances of oral communication frequently do not convey well in electronic format, and harmful misunderstanding is sometimes the result.   Therefore, as members of SAGE and PAGE, it is important to choose words and live our lives with care to avoid conveying a message to our students that is inconsistent with the traditional Christian worldview as taught in the Bible, which SAGE and PAGE seeks to nurture.


As teachers and volunteers at SAGE and PAGE, we agree to refrain from demonstrating,  advocating or promoting sinful behavior as held in the traditional Christian worldview to the students of SAGE and PAGE in the classroom or in any forum or setting, physical or electronic.